Thursday, June 19, 2008


Help from Dad, who just went through the hooding process himself last August.

The undergraduate "processional" (a.k.a. wacky walk) at Stanford.

Graduation according to Jonathan:

We got up early and went to Stanford graduation. Up at the stands I didn't really do much. One of the speakers was a girl (Oprah), and she talked about crazy stuff, like how they tried to change her name. Isn't that crazy?

We saw a dragon that came around the tent lots of times, an elephant, a Batman, and there were some guys who didn't have much clothes on and were carrying it on a a clothesline

Then we went to another graduation. It was a celebration for Daddy.

Then we did fun stuff, like walking around.

1 comment:

Dacia said...

I just finished our photo album of Kevin's graduation - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! (and so fun that you got to return to California- did you get to see any familiar faces)