Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Birthday!

It is hard to believe that Jonathan is five. He has grown up so much in the last year. A few things I love about Jonathan: his smile, his infectious laugh, and his great imagination. He asks great questions (Do birds have ears? Why didn't you turn on your blinker when you turned?) and I love finding the answers out with him.

Jonathan had a Star Wars birthday party for his fifth birthday.

Activities included

  • Luke, Luke, Darth Vader (variation of duck, duck, goose)
  • Make your own light saber
  • Jedi training obstacle course
  • Bounty hunter hydro-detonater fight (water balloons)

After Lucas woke him up this morning, Jonathan had an asteroid hunt to find his presents.

The scooter was a hit.

His cake: dark chocolate cake with peanut butter mousse. Consensus: great cake, mousse too rich.


Dacia said...

I think it is late and I need to go to bed but it brought tears to my eyes thinking of Star Wars and Jonathan for so many reasons! We love and miss you! Was it really a year ago that we were at your apartment for his birthday!!!! (We still have photos from it on our screen saver of the kids with Jonathan)

Anne said...

I can't believe how big the boys are, you all look so fantastic! I'm trying to do some sort of preschool co-op for Liam this year and boy do I wish I still had you and Dacia around. We love and miss you guys.

Insane A said...

Happy birthday dear Jonathan!!! Lulu still talks about you a lot. I can't believe we last saw all of you a year ago.